Failure and Using Criticism Wisely

Failure is unfortunately an inevitable part of life. In our society, failure is often synonymous with a lack of

success however, this is not the case. Failure is seen as a negative concept which, we are taught to avoid

as if it is not a natural part of life. Naturally, no one likes to fail however, if you learn to manage it well it

can be used to unlock great potential. In order to do this, you must change and work on your mindset.

instead of seeing it as detrimental to success, see it as a tool for success.

Research suggests that mistakes make us smarter, as they result in a higher rate of learning. We learn

more from failure than success so it is crucial that we realise how to bounce back as it is an invaluable skill

that will lead to success.

Here are our top 3 tips for dealing with failure and accepting criticism:

Accept the feedback with grace 

First of all, you must listen to what is being said. Hold yourself confidence and grace. Do not react in a

defensive manner even if you don’t particularly agree with what is being said. This can lead to damaged

professional relationships which, could make the situation worse in the long run. Do follow their critiques

with a polite explanation or if necessary, an apology.  

Register what was said 

A significant part of professional development is self-improvement. It is best to use this situation to be

observant and learn from the criticism. You must ask yourself questions such as, how did I deal

with receiving the criticism? and how can I use this experience to grow? If you allow the whole experience

to knock your confidence you have approached it the wrong way.  

Reflect, reflect, reflect 

Reflecting on our mistakes can teach us a lot. Don’t just dismiss the feedback, take time to think

about it and think about what you can learn from the whole experience. It may be difficult and

uncomfortable to think about, but it is necessary for the learning process. Having these important

internal conversations with yourself will help you to stay humble, strong and resilient.  

DON’T BE AFRAID TO FAIL. Experts agree failure can inspire us to work harder and ultimately help us

achieve our goals. Success usually requires more than one attempt so give yourself permission to fail.

Nia Thomas