Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is one of the most vibrant, beautiful crystals. A deep blue stone flecked with gold; it truly is one of the most striking stones. It is the birth stone for those born in September.  

Lapis lazuli has been used for thousands of years. It has been used as a gemstone, sculpting material, pigment, and for ornamental purposes throughout history. The gem was treasure by many ancient civilisations such as the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Greeks and many more. One of its most common uses was as a mineral pigment. During the Renaissance, it was used as a pigment in some of the most historically important pieces, such Giovanni Sassoferrato’s ‘The Virgin in Prayer’. Today Lapis Lazuli is still used in jewellery and ornamental objects across the globe.  

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of truth. It aids in revealing your inner truth to yourself. It provides a relief for lingering negative energies and emotions and allows them to surface. Its powerful properties will manage these energies and emotions leaving you feeling revitalised and ready for new opportunities. It encourages qualities like honesty, which is not only internally helpful but also externally, as it allows you to positively improve your life and relationships. Lapis Lazuli also balances the energies in the throat chakra which leaves you with a clearer perspective and an open mind.  

Sanitize stylishly with our lapis lazuli hand sanitizer. Following the success of our original formulation, the new formulations include Citrine, Rose Quartz and Amethyst. Meaning you can effortlessly carry your favourite crystal everywhere you go.  

Nia Thomas